Wednesday, November 10, 2021


Length 4 1/3
Ring Gauge 52
Shape Petit Robusto
Taste Vegetal
Strength Full

Savoring the sun rise this morning in the Southwest Suburbs of Chicago and enjoying what is probably one of my favorite but lesser known Cuban cigars;  the Vegueros Entretiempo. Please find my tasing notes below and let me know if you have smoked one of these fine cigars and what you thought of it.  


I didn't get mutch off the pre light draw or the foot other than a light cocoa, some hay, and I want to say manure but more like a barnyard.

First Third

It's a chile morning so I fire her up inside while a grab a cup of coffee so I can enjoy this fine smoke on my southern facing deck while the sun rises.  Immediately upon first puff I can taste the infamous cubenesque twang and vegetal notes I love about this cigar.  It's mild to medium at this point in the game to me with notes of coffee and milk chocolate coming through.  The burn is razor sharp but the ash does fall after only a quarter inch. 

Second Third

Getting deep into the second third the flavors haven't changed muched but I kind of enjoy the consistency in a morning smoke with a cup of Joe.  I'm getting some cedar or other woodsy notes along with the milk chocolate fading into more of that cocoa and the coffee notes aren't really around anymore.  The burn got a little wonky as I was distracted but it corrected itself swiftly. 

Final Third

In the final third I would say the strength has definitely ramped up to a medium, maybe even medium full.  The smoke is still cool and the burn is nice.  Not razor sharp but self correcting which is nice. Some pepper spice through the retrohale has made an appearance in a very subtle yet enticing way.  I find it hard not to puff on this fine cigar at to quick of a pace. 

Tasting notes:  Cuban twang, vegetal, coffee, milk chocolate, wood, cocoa, pepper

Final thoughts and rating:
If you like Cuban cigars and value you cannot beat this stick.  It's a great morning morning smoke.  Not a ton of complexity but enough for me to process in the morning with a cup of coffee.  

Any cigar that is nub worthy and makes me want to get out the roach clips to finish is worthy of a 96 I'd say.  Have a glorious day and celebrate life. 


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